Universidad | Escuelas

Didactic simulations for school lessons

  • Increase the motivation of your students

  • Easy access via all end devices like tablet, PC or smartphone

  • Learn in up to 11 different languages

    German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish

Successfully shaping digital transformation

Direct application possibilities for schools and educational institutions:

  • Learn and evaluate essential skills with a guaranteed high fun factor
  • Train with the Serious Business Games in realistic simulations
  • Awaken the students’ motivation to reflect on their behavior
  • Promote the joy of learning in the long term and at the same time strengthen security in dealing with digital media
  • Discover many useful further impulses for your lessons e.g. in the form of role plays, group work, thought experiments or multiple choice materials

For students at high schools and trainees at vocational schools, content learning scripts for the individual Serious Business Games are provided.

This enables teachers to integrate serious business games into their lessons in three steps:

  1. Ready-made teaching materials, presentations to introduce the learning medium Serious Business Games and didactic preparation for implementation
  2. During the sequential execution, cause-and-effect relationships and individual game scenes can be analyzed in terms of language and meaning
  3. Following the implementation, a content-related learning script will be made available. Based on this, learning controls such as class tests or the like can also be carried out.

Due to the contents and the up to 11 languages, it is suitable for all subjects in languages as well as economics, business studies.

In the development process of the learners, the development of interdisciplinary competences is of particular importance. This involves the interaction of abilities and skills, personal and social dispositions and attitudes. This enables the learners to accept challenges in school, in their private and also in their future professional life, and to master them successfully and responsibly. The Serious Business Games with their simulations and individual learning paths actively contribute to strengthening the interdisciplinary competencies of the new core curriculum in the four central areas: 1) personal competence, 2) social competence, 3) learning competence, 4) language competence

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