Use cases

MERCHANTS: Serious Business Game for communication and social competence

Didactic objective MERCHANTS – Successful promotion and development of interdisciplinary competences:

  • Personal competence (self-perception, self-regulation)
  • Social competence (social perception, cooperation, dealing with conflicts, intercultural understanding)
  • Learning competence (problem solving, handling new media)
  • Language competence (communication skills)

Students effectively and practically strengthen their communication, moderation and negotiation skills by interacting with different discussion and negotiation partners.

Methodology – This learning simulation focuses on efficient extension of negotiation skills and conflict management:

  • Confident development of successful partnerships
  • Putting the needs and interests of the other person into perspective
  • Solution-oriented handling of conflicts, creation of “win-win situations
  • Learning of communicative strategies and analytical thinking
  • Evaluation of self-perception

Offer your students a realistic tool for the development of personal and professional skills. Especially for career starters with an interest in business and trade, the simulator offers great fun in learning and personal development in a world of digital globalization.

PACIFIC: Serious Business Game for team skills and social competencies

Didactic objective PACIFIC – Successful promotion and development of interdisciplinary skills:

  • Social competence (cooperation and teamwork, consideration and solidarity)
  • Learning competence (problem solving, process reflection, handling new media)
  • Language competence (communication, feedback methods)

The students strengthen their competencies by taking on the role of a team leader in a process-oriented manner. As exemplary coaches they strengthen teamwork and expand essential interpersonal skills.

Methodology – This simulation environment combines elements that are conducive to learning in a sound manner:

  1. Gamification techniques such as storytelling, rankings, levels and badges, making learning a creative and fun experience to encourage student engagement.
  2. This advanced simulator recreates team situations. These simulate real life situations so that the student can practice in a safe and stress-free environment. Meanwhile, the student receives personalized feedback
    with improvement possibilities as a learning loop to his individual behavior.
  3. Bring the learning experience and motivation of your students into the classroom to demonstrably strengthen the group dynamics and mutual appreciation culture in the classroom.

Adapt the blended learning unit to your subject lessons. This will create many positive impulses for further development together with your class.

TRISKELION: Serious Business Game for time management and productivity

Didactical objective TRISKELION – Successful promotion and development of interdisciplinary competences:

  • Personal competence (self-perception, self-regulation)
  • Learning competence (problem solving, working competence, handling new media)
  • Language competence (reading, listening, understanding, taking information from texts)

The students strengthen elementary skills by being consistently made aware of the importance of time management and by planning and organizing their daily work processes in a self-directed manner.

Methodology – This simulation environment combines elements that are conducive to learning in a sound manner:

  • The students develop their own system to improve their time management and personal responsibility.
  • They train in a playful way how to plan, prioritize and achieve goals.
  • Promotion of organizational management and personal initiative serve not least of all to effectively prevent the development of stress.
  • The students receive advice and learn effective techniques for the routine handling of their daily tasks.

Benefit from Seneca’s ancient wisdom about lifestyle, serenity and the art of living in a world of media overload.

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